Paní domácí nám mejlem doporučila pár míst, cituji:
There's the wonderful lakes as, "Lagoa das sete Cidades", "Lagoa do Fogo", Lagoa do Congro", " Lagoa do Canário""Lagoa das Furnas".
The thermal pools, you have some good ones to visit, "Poça da Dona Beija in Furnas" this one close's at 11pm and it's beautiful at night, and there's "Parque Terra Nostra" in Furnas as well, "Caldeira Velha in Ribeira Grande" and this one is on the ocean "Ponta Da Ferraria".
Hiking trails and viewpoints, there's this one which I think it's amazing, "Miradouro da Boca do Inferno" and also the beautiful waterfall in "Salto do Prego" and the trail of "Sanguinho" both on the village of Faial da Terra.
In Nordeste, there's the highest mountain of the island which is "Pico da Vara", "Vista do Rei", "Terras de Nosso Senhor, Poço Azul" in Achadinha, "Salto do Cabrito trail", "Parque Natural dos Caldeirões". "Miradouro da Ponta do Sossego, "Miradouro da Ponta da Madrugada" "Farol do Arnel" the oldest light house of the Azores and many more :)
You can visit the tea plantation factory in "Gorreana", visit the pinneaple plantation in Fajã de Cima and try to do a whale watching tours which is amazing.
About restaurants, I just love to go to all of this ones that i'm going to recomend you.
There's "Restaurante Bar Caloura", "Casa do Abel", "Cais 20", "Tasca", "Cantinho do cais in São Brás", "Botequim Açoriano", "Yatch Club", "La Cantina" , " Calçada do Cais", "Anfiteatro", "Cais da Sardinha", "Associação Agrícola", "Casa da Rosa", "Alcides", "Galego", and many more out there :)
In Ponta Delgada, visit the "Military Museum", the "Museum Carlos Machado", and there's a cave you can visit which is "Gruta do Carvão", it's very beautiful and it's a geological formation of the Azorean volcanic origin located in Ponta Delgada.
Po dvou dnech pobytu máme většinu odškrtanou. Tedy kromě hospod, muzeí, velryb a horkých pramenů. Hospody zjevně nestihneme, muzea vynecháme. Chystáme se na velryby a delfíny a až bude horší počasí, tak určitě do horkých zřídel, prohřát si stárnoucí kosti.